Popular Press Articles
2016 Articles
Cara's Trifling Truffles
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016).
My dear friend Cara .... appears to be doing some false advertising. Can you really fault her?
Elementary, dear Watson!
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Google is at the Supreme Court of Canada to appeal a ruling it says poses a threat to freedom of expression and access to information both in Canada and around the world.
"Directed Evolution" and Alien Life
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Image by www.mediaassets.caltech.edu
Recent news speculate about hypothetical types of biochemistry and extraterrestrial life forms using a "silicon" based system ...
Fiji Nouveau — Bonn, Germany
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016).
Image by www.liamgoldstein.com
Geography that you may have learnt in school may no longer apply. The Pacific island nation of Fiji will have a new "capital" about this time next year (2017), ...
Tsunami Heading Your Way
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Wikipedia image
Remember the seaquake that sent flood waves of up to 25 ft. (approx. 9 m) over the shores of the city of Fukushima, Japan, in 2011.
Is Ghost Town for You?
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016).
Wikipedia image
As the Daily Mail reports: SpaceX founder, Elon Musk, wants to send a MILLION people to live in glass domes on Mars within '40 to 100 years'...
Rutabagas and Artificial Intelligence
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Rutabagas or Swedes, Wikipedia image
Recent intelligence suggests that rutabagas may be on the war path. But don't worry, ...
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Also translated into German by Chris Frey for the Europ. Inst. f. Climate and Energy,
EIKE (2016).

Climate Disobedience Action Fund pipeline disruptors; photo credit: www.shutitdown.today
A few deluded souls using bolt-cutters were breaking into locked transmission stations to interrupt the flow of oil across the Dakotas.
Lettuce and Cabbage
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
... and, perhaps, also radishes, snow peas, chard, and tomatoes — all for your balanced diet when ...
An Invasion is Coming
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
... Martians beware, an invasion is coming! Earthlings are going to claim their spot...
Prosciutto Nuovo — no "Speck," all "Veggie"
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Free Republic (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016).
Do the terms Prosciutto or Speck have any meaning to you? They should!
Beam Me Up, Scotty!
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016).
That futuristic phrase from the science fiction television series Star Trek ... was the command to instantly beam your physical being to another place in the universe ...
Fridge Problems — (on the lighter side)
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016).
Some ancient tattoo designs are going to be replaced (??) soon by more modern designs, like those also functioning as electronic signaling devices for your hand-held phone...
The Vatican Accepting Bribes?
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016).
No — couldn't be. After all, Pope Francis has been busy cleaning up the establishment ever since he was chosen as the Catholics' leader pro tem.
Many People Think What Few Dare To Say
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Also translated into German by Andreas Demmig, Eur. Inst. Climate & Energy,
EIKE (2016), and
ExtremNews (2016).
With the world swamped by cheap natural gas, crude oil, and coal (while the mines in western countries are being relegated to heritage status), who, really needs expensive and intermittent electricity from the wind and sun?
Sanity May Prevail — After All!
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016).
"Environmentalists who once championed biofuels as a way to cut pollution are now turning against a U.S. program that puts renewable fuels in cars, citing higher-than-expected carbon dioxide emissions and reduced wildlife habitat."
It's Easy to Become a "Scientist" — there's an App for that!
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Also translated into German by Chris Frey for the Europ. Inst. f. Climate and Energy,
EIKE (2016).
It appears that one of the easiest ways to become a "scientist" is to join the Union of Concerned Scientists ...
The Spark Plug Jungle — (on the lighter side)
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016).
Just hope you don't need to replace the spark plugs of any internal combustion engine-driven implement (like lawn mowers, weed cutters, or chain saws) that may be a few years old. You could be in for a rude surprise.
Who's in Charge?
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific Intl. (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016).
... a fatal incident, that's said to have been caused by the failure of an autonomously steered vehicle to recognize a light-colored tractor unit against a bright background
Meet Lyuba
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016).
Also translated into Italian by Mauri Sesler for Attività Solare,
Attività Solare (2016).
Wikipedia image.
Lyuba, of course, is the name bestowed upon the baby mammoth that was found a few years ago in the western Siberian tundra.
The European Union Cookie Monster — Out to Get You!
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Canada Free Press (2016).
Wikipedia image.
I was a bit perplexed to find my book website recently getting (on one day) two dozen-plus visits by the European Union (EU) Cookie Police, i.e., the European Commission's "cookie law enforcement unit."
Hype the Loop
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016) and
MyInforms.com (2016) and

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and other companies intend to revolutionize high speed continental travel...
Autonomously Gloogled
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016).

Modern technology is so wonderful. Among the latest inventions patented is a way to get glued to a car's hood ...
Comfi Chariots
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016).

Ben Hur "a la moderne." That's what the new technology of "autonomous cars" is promising. How long until "Hollywood" is providing an updated
version of the epic movie? Movie star Charles Heston (RIP) would probably have to take "driving lessons" on autonomous chariots for that too; the unplanned
non-autonomous kind of chariot experience was scary enough.
Untold Riches — Way Above
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).
Also translated into Italian by Mauri Sesler for Attività Solare,
Attività Solare (2016).

Ever dreamt of hiking over the landscape and finding a mineral vein rich with ores, perhaps even silver or gold glittering in the sunshine...
Now I Understand...
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

What's so enticing about the (just-around-the-corner) self-driving cars?
Steak — "au Contraire"
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Also translated into Italian by Mauri Sesler for Attività Solare,
Attività Solare (2016).

"The Danish Council of Ethics wants its Government to do a Robin Hood — but instead of robbing the rich, it would be red meat, while wind turbines take the place of the poor."
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

Need a 50-ton tank delivered in the middle of the tundra? No problem. Or need a few containers of Christmas ribbons at the North Pole for Santa and his Elves? No problem either.
Think before you LEAP
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).

The LEAP Manifesto recently published by left-wing associates of the NDP party in Canada...
Right and Wrong Business Models
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Also translated into German by Chris Frey for the Europ. Inst. f. Climate and Energy,
EIKE (2016).

The authorities are ever so concerned about the well-being of our own and future generations. From local, to national governments ...
About the Laundromat Index
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

Needless to say, the textilian Laundromat Index on the stock exchange is already in freefall...
Times are Changing — or Not
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

Just when you have adjusted your daily rhythm to the Daylight Savings Time ...
Is there a Liar's Press?
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Also translated into German by Chris Frey for the Europ. Inst. f. Climate and Energy,
EIKE (2016).

"This photo shows quite clearly how dirty lignite [coal] power plants are — and the electric energy produced there!!!" —— YEAH, REALLY?
"Carbon Pollution" Claptrap
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Also translated into Italian by Mauri Sesler for Attività Solare,
Attività Solare (2016).
Also translated into German by Chris Frey for the Europ. Inst. f. Climate and Energy,
EIKE (2016).

Carbon (like in wood, coal, oil, natural gas) is an energy source — not a "pollutant"
How to "Unboil" the Eggs
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

There is a novel device to come to your kitchen counter: the "Unboil-the-Egg" machine...
2016 — Year of the Pulses
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

No need to check your pulse, it's about pulses...
Robots and Intelligence
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

Are Robots are Coming of Age?
So Long, Farewell — Adieu!
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).
Also translated into Italian by Mauri Sesler for Attività Solare,
Attività Solare (2016).
Also translated into German by Chris Frey for the Europ. Inst. f. Climate and Energy,
EIKE (2016).

...the anti-carbon crowd that is recommending "decarbonisation" with battle cries like "Leave it in the Ground"...
The Sorcerer's Apprentices
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016).
Also translated into Italian by Mauri Sesler for Attività Solare,
Attività Solare (2016).
Also translated into German by Chris Frey for the Europ. Inst. f. Climate and Energy,
EIKE (2016).

... today's apprentices of the climate doom "religion" are screaming hell and murder.
Meschugge: Outlandish New Claims about the Half-Life of CO2
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

Nature cannot differentiate between natural and "anthropogenic" carbon dioxide. They are identical...
The Innovation Race
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

Outreach is one of the "in"-terms these days. So are globalisation, internet service and its instantaneous communication facilities.
On the Lam?
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

Just in case you feel a need for being on the lam, nature has a tip for you!
The Spark of Life
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016).
Also translated into German by Chris Frey for the Europ. Inst. f. Climate and Energy,
EIKE (2016).

The Spark of Life, depicted by the Italian master Michelangelo (1475-1564) in his famous fresco of God giving life to Adam in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican, is a gift from God.
Going Green and Frankenfood
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016), and
Freedom or Anarchy (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016).

The world is going green — literally, in all kinds of places that were desert-like before...
Moving to a Village on the Moon?
Canada Free Press (2016), and
Ice Age Now (2016), and
Fairfax Free Citizen (2016), and
Principia Scientific International (2016), and
Global Free Press (2016).

The European Space Organisation envisages a grand project: a village on the Moon, by 2030....
Other Books by the Author
of chemicals to Photobacterium phosphoreum.
KLE, Devillers J. Gordon and Breach Science Publ., ISBN:
2-88124-974-4, (1994).
in Environmental Toxicology - II.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D.
Reidel Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-2555-1, (1987).
in Environmental Toxicology.
Kaiser KLE (ed.). D. Reidel
Publ. Co., ISBN: 90-277-1776-1, (1984).
Some other publications by the
Evolution of the
International Workshops on Quantitative Structure-Activity
Relationships (QSARs) in Environmental Toxicology.
& QSAR Env. Res., 18: 3-20 (2007).
Data Sources.
Chapter 2 in Predicting Chemical
Toxicity and Fate. Cronin MTD, Livingstone DJ (eds.),
CRC Press, Boca Raton, (2004).
Catalysis —
where we should apply it now!
Can. Chemical News,
ACCN, 50(7/8): 27 (1999).
Hydrogen, fuel of
the future?
Can. Chemical News, ACCN, 50(5):
29 (1999).
Erroneous Data: Avenues for Detection and
Quintessence, 1(4): 13-16 (1995).
[Contact author for reprint].